
Thanks for checking out my newly created blog! During this adventure, I hope to share ideas that can be used inside and outside of the classroom. I want to create a teacher and parent friendly site that is inspirational and educational!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Classroom Sight Word Lists A-R

Classroom Sight Word Lists A-R

Each Monday, I test the students on their sight words. The sight word lists are individually paced per student. If a student passes the sight word test with immediate recognition of the words in the list, he/she is moved onto the next list. The students start at list A and move their way through list R. Once they reach list R, they are given additional challenge lists that each include 25 words that are previous and brand new!

The above link is great for families of students in my class who may have lost their flashcards, would like to review prior sight word lists or to work ahead to upcoming lists!

Enjoy and good luck :)

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